Saturday, July 20, 2013

You might be in the South if . . .

In recognition of a very funny comedian - Jeff Foxworthy, I'd like to offer a slight adaptation to his routine. I call it:  You might be in the South if . . .

You might be in the South if . . . 
"You have a dried gator head on the bowsprit of your sail boat."

This was the first thing that I saw when we docked in Charleston - as it was on the sail boat directly across from us. I turned around, and it was right behind me. I screamed like a little girl.

You might be in the South if . . .
"There are oysters growing on the dock pilings at your marina."

You can't se 'em at high tide, but you can pick 'em at low tide. They have about an 8 foot tide here.

You might be in the South if . . .
"You get called Ma'am 20 times in a 5 minute cab ride".
As happened to Spence when she went took a cab into Charleston.

You might be in the South if . . .
"You have covenant restrictions about flying flags, to keep the civil peace on college game days".
You have to understand, in SC there are 2 teams: Clemson Tigers, and S.C. Gamecocks.
The rivalry is epic and the source of many tough thanksgiving family gatherings.
Because, you are either with us or against us.
Knowing this, we have decided to make our own flag, and be called "The Clemcocks".


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