Thursday, July 11, 2013

Weather, or not . . . ?

So, as we relax after dinner in Liberty Landing - exhausted from a full day of boat chores, including a stem to stern scrubbing, we have no idea just how far we are going to make it tomorrow?

The answer is that it depends.
The seas are favorable, but it all boils down to the weather.

We will definitely get some rain, some time tomorrow.
The questions are when and how much?

But fear not, we have 3 alternative harbors.
One at 50 miles (Brielle, NJ) , one at 93 miles (Atlantic City), and our target at 128 miles (Cape May).

If I were a betting man, I'd say that we will make Cape May.
But then, if I was truly a betting man, I'd call it a day at Atlantic City. (just saying...)

We are pretty confident that an early start will afford us the window to get to Cape May.
So, we'll shove off by 6:00, which should have us tied up in Cape May by 1:30.

Hopefully, well ahead of the weather - or not?
Stay tuned . . .


  1. We are growing envious of the amount of ground you can cover in a day.

    1. All things are relative. We had people passing us today, like we were standing still . . .

  2. I am loving this blog...Jim, you missed your calling! although maybe not- your previous work allowed you to now do this wonderful adventure, and NOW you can write! so much fun reading about your days. how fun seeing Taylor! miss yall!

    1. Glad your following along. Miss you guys too. It's been a real adventure. Can't wait tell ya when we see ya.
