Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Puttin' On the Ritz . . .

I know, I know, I know . . .
I am a day behind in my blog and trying furiously to catch up.
(Sorry, if I got a bit verbose in my last blog - but some things just needed saying)

So the goal for tonight is to get 2 blogs done.

For the "Immediate Satisfaction Junkies" we are safely ensconced in Grace Harbor at River Dunes - Oriental, NC. And today was the first day that we did NOT have to turn the radar on.

River Dunes is a place that Spence and I almost bought land at. And just gotta say, we are sooo happy that we didn't. 'Cause it can't hold a candle to IOB. (just saying)

But, this blog is all about the extraordinary and exquisite time that we were shown by Joan and Jack Stumborg. Jack, is Spence's high school friend, and Joan is the saint who married him.
(Call me a liar Jack, I dare ya.)

But, they went WAY above the call of duty to make us feel at home, and make our lives infinitely easier in many ways, including our transition from "Offshore" to the "ICW".

First off, they had already made marina reservations for us, they met us at the end of our Ocean City run - at the marina (in their boat), they even helped us tie up - wash down - cool off, and then took us for a boat ride.

Now, that might sound silly, given our maritime slavery over the past 8 days.
But, it was a blast.

We got to do Spence's favorite thing - cruise by houses of the "Ridiculously Rich" and gossip about all the nouveau riche, gaudy display of crass taste. That never gets old.

But, we cruised by one of the most unique facilities I have ever heard of -let alone seen:
A harbor (with muti-mega yachts), plus a golf course (where the 18th green sat adjacent to the marina), plus a tennis club - and let's not forget the pool(s).
(I gotta tell ya, it kinda made me feel homesick for Cove)

Then, we went back to their house where we had an honest-to-God shower.
It was better than you know what.
Joan, I apologize for the mess.
I know that I left an oil slick that rivaled the Exxon Valdez spill.
But, for the first time in a loooong time, we felt truly clean.

Then, they had dinner reservations at a wonderful place called (so appropriately One Fish, Two Fish).
(Oh, and Joan surprised us at the dock with a bottle of "Cool Fish" wine - because she knew that I didn't get to go fishing.)
There is place in heaven for you Joan.

Dinner was great, and the sunset was perfectly orchestrated.
But the best part of all, was the first night's sleep on dry land in a bed made by angels.
It had to be, because I was certain that I had died and gone to heaven.

The next morning, they drove us to our boat, where something occurred that has never happened aboard Hot Water:
I stood by, while someone else captained my vessel.

Enter Cap't Jack - stage left.
That's right, I turned the helm over to Jack to take us thru Norfolk, and down the entrance to the ICW.
No, I have not been off my medication again.
This was for good reason, and deserves some explanation to fully understand.

Mr. Peabody, set the time machine back to 1974.

The luscious Rebecca Spence had just graduated high school, and was headed to that hippy haven - Colorado College to follow in the footsteps of Hunter S. Thompson (Gonzo Tour Forever.)

Meanwhile Jack, a.k.a. - Stick (tall and lanky) was headed off to the Naval Academy to become a Plebe.

Now, the incredible statistic is that both were able to successfully follow their dreams, and Jack wound up training and doing service in and around Norfolk. More importantly, he now runs the Atlantic Yacht Basin, which is located at mile 12 of the ICW.
Bottom line, if there was ever anyone to whom I would turn over command of Hot Water, it would be Jack Stumborg (or Dr. Evil, but I digress).

So Jack not only drove but played tour guide as well , pointing out all of the various ships and points of interest along the way. Really cool - see for yourself . . .



But, the most valuable thing that he shared was his local knowledge of the bridge, and lock openings - so that we were not left either waiting, or wondering what the hell was going on.
Bottom line - if Spence and I had tried to navigate that section alone, we would not still be married. No joke.
If you don't make this bridge by a certain time, then you ain't gonna make the lock - and you wait for an hour.
Even though we had to wait at some pints they were all minimized, and we sailed thru just as easy as could be.

This is the locks that we went thru - and raised (or lowered) the boat about 2 feet.

While waiting for the lock to do it's thing, we came across this sign - which pretty much said it all - how far we had come, and how far we had to go . . .

For the far sighted masses, it says Boston 717 miles, and while they don't don't have Beaufort on there, it is 540 miles.

Then we got to Jack's place of work AYB.
I can say this, I have been around boats all my life, but have never seen a facility like this ever - anywhere.
They are basically a wet, covered, storage that can fix, or completely refurbish anything from a cabin cruiser to a mega yacht. The boats that they have are currently working on are some of the most awesome yachts I have ever seen.
While I can't do it justice, or show them all, this one is my favorite - the Black Knight:

I cant remember the LOA, but I know it is in the vicinity of 120'. Awesome, from stem to stern.

After a tour a his facility, Jack joined us for the 35 mile run down to Coinjock - where we leave off for tonight's follow on Blog. (Stay tuned - film at 11:00)

Our most sincere and heartfelt gratitude for the incredible hospitality that you guys showed us.
Just don't expect the same from us if/when you visit.
'Cause, that can't be matched.
But, thank you so much.

Ladies and Gentlemen - Please put your hands together, and give a big round of applause for Joan and Jack Stumborg.

Jack and Spence and I

Joan and Spence and I (I call this one the Morning Glories)

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