Saturday, July 20, 2013

What I Did For Love - Part 2

Other than fishing, the other love of my life is Spence.

And what does Spence like to do . . . ?
Decorate, furnish, accessorize . . .

And here we were in Charleston, the home of one of our favorite decorating meccas: Celadon.
More enticing, their "specials laden" warehouse - which is only open on Wed. and Sat. - is open today. And to put a cheery on top, they have an additional sale going on right now.

Given the small craft warnings for today at sea, and the potential for a perfect shopping storm on land, we chose to leave the boat tied up to the dock for today and see what treasure we might discover?

So, we rented a car, and went on a mission . . .

I'm thinking that after the booty we collected today, that maybe we should go into piracy.

We had a pretty good idea of what we were looking for, having spend many nights measuring and discussing options, but had no idea of what we might find.
Maybe we just got lucky, but we found a dining room table, some chairs, and a hutch.
All on sale - from the marked down warehouse.

The amazing part is that we did all this in less time than it took us to navigate some harbor entrances.

With a day at the dock, and the prospect of new furnishings being delivered on Monday, we are just itching to complete the final leg and get home.

A clean bed, freezer with ice, space to move, TV - these are a few of our favorite things . . .
(The irony is that once we do get home, we still won't have hot water - because they had to shut off the gas to our house while we were away, and need for us to be home to turn it on).

It has been an incredible adventure, and we thank you so much for following along with us.
You have all helped us in more ways then you know.

And so, we have vowed one thing:
While the journey ends tomorrow (hopefully), the blog will not.

We will continue the open dialog, and to share thoughts/events about our new life down South.
(Plus, ya gotta hear how the furniture works out . . . )

I hope y'all become what my dear friend Stephen King affectionately calls: "Constant Reader".
It never has been, and it just ain't the same without ya.

Hot Water - heading home tomorrow.
Beaufort or Bust !!!

Standing by;
Cap't JimBob & First Mate Spence

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