Tuesday, July 16, 2013

"Just where the hell is Coinjock . . .?"

That is what it says on the T-shirts for sale in the Coinjock Marina supply store.
I must admit that when I first heard the word "Coinjock", I had the exact same question.
The next question was - why the hell would you want to stop there?

Both are worthy questions, but I can honestly tell you that in the multitude of discussions I had with ICW veterans, the word "Coinjock" was the most often used, and used in the superlative.
As in, "you gotta stop in Coinjock", or "you first stop heading South has to be Coinjock", or "you are stopping in Coinjock right'?

Then, when I asked why, the response was as unanimous - "the Prime Rib".
You are going to plan your ICW experience around an entrée?

Well, having done so, let me put it to you this way: "Ya gotta go, and ya gotta get the prime rib".

Now, just in case you think this is some sort of gimmick or fluke, consider that Hot Water was the smallest vessel tied up at Coinjock Marina. The largest was 116' - I have no idea what.
But, it was Gy-Normous. When, I went to check it out, they were fueling up, and the pump was soaring past 3,000 gallons.

But, they were all there for one thing - the Prime Rib:
32 ounces of artery corrupting bliss.
How big is a 32 oz piece of beef? Let's just say that Fred Flintstone would be jealous.
(Or, you can get the "mate's" mere 16 oz rib)
Either way, the quality is the same - like you dream about.

But, there is also another reason for it's popularity:
It is 50 miles from the start (or finish) of the ICW, and affords one a perfectly timed stop going in either direction.
Plus, there are about 2,000 feet of dock space - easy side dockage - quiet, no wake zone traffic - and did I mention the prime rib?

So, while our ICW journey is not complete, at least it has already included the one "must" activity - Coinjock. See for yourself:
The Sand Bar at Coinjock.
Spence and I headed for prime rib . . .
Representing the sport fishing vessel "Tunacious" at Coinjock . . .
So, with Jack's help, we made it to Coinjock - mile 50 on the ICW.
Tomorrow, headed for River Dunes - at mile 173.

The question is whether we follow the ICW and travel thru the Alligator River and Pungo Canal - or around the Arbemarle Sound?
(The Shadow knows . . . Stay Tuned)


  1. Awesome so far. Beaufort awaits the intreped voyagers. Stay safe and beware the "Rock Pile" just down from Myrtle Beach.


  2. Thanks for that Fred. If weather permits, we are going offshore from Beaufort to Southport - coming in at Wrightsville and then down to Southport. But that is manana. Today requires some R&R.
