Thursday, July 11, 2013

Better safe than sorry

For those of you expecting another travel story today, we are sorry to disappoint.
But, with the help and advice of several sources, we were recommended to NOT attempt 3-5' seas, and 10-15 miles SW winds.
A NE wind is far preferable when heading South, than battling a SW wind - basically head on.
Tomorrow the winds will be NE. (Fair winds and following seas . . .)

Even though sometimes the hardest course of action is to NOT GO, the bottom line is that safety comes first.

So, today is fix up the boat day, with a mountain of 2-DO items.

Among them, to maximize the storage of things.
Unless you have been camping, or more reminiscent - travelled on the space shuttle, the trick is to utilize every cubic centimeter of space.
Other than fuel, space is the most treasured commodity on a boat.
So, we have some re-arranging to do, in hopes of gaining a bit more.

But for now, we are comfortable, and resting up for the next leg.
Hopefully, tomorrow will bring us to Cape May.
A long run - 128 miles, for an expected 7.5 hours.

I have always wanted to show Spence all of the Victorian homes there.
But, will be leaving before she decides to buy one.
(ya never know with that girl . . .)

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