Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A Day of Pleasant Surprises

The day started as planned - we woke at 5:00 a.m.
The day finished as planned - we made it to Block Island - with boat and crew functional and operational.

But, it's what happened in between that made today such a collection of surprises.

First, we owe a big shout out to Tom Flynn - our neighbor on A-Dock @ Cove Marina - who presented us with today's first surprise.
As I was retracting the power cord to bring with us (which I almost forgot), I found a "going away" bottle of wine wrapped in a paper bag - which I almost fumbled into the Merrimack river.
Poor Tom tried to give us his present last night, but was unable to do so given our heightened state of exhaustion.
Thanks Tom, we celebrated with your wine upon arrival at Block Island this evening. It was awesome. Wish we could have enjoyed it together in a more leisurely setting.

Besides Tom's surprise, the other surprises that happened today were that:
1) we made it.
2). while it threatened to do so, the fog never really materialized.
3). the wind switched to the ENE - thereby giving us flat seas thru Buzzards Bay.
4). due to the same winds, we averaged more than the expected 17 knots.
5). I managed to back Hot Water into a space between 2 boats that was only 4" wider than our beam.
("Just use the force Luke . . .")

So, all in all - today was a good day.
Actually, more than a good day.
Today was a welcome surprise.

Tomorrow - the Big Apple.
Really looking forward to traveling down the East River, passing the Statue of Liberty, but most of all, hooking up with my daughter Taylor.

If all goes according to Hoyle, it should be another banner day.
But, then I suspect we will have to pay the piper, as Thursday the heavens are forecasted to unleash the rain demons.
I guess you'll just have to stay tuned and see . . .

1 comment:

  1. Don't tempt the wind gods with all your optimism.
    Joan D
