Friday, July 19, 2013

Guest Blogger

Hi Loyal Readers!

Taylor here again. Received a frantic phone call today... no don't worry boat is still afloat.... BUT Mom and Dad were so worried YOU would all be worried they asked for another quick remote update.

They are spending the day in Charleston today. Dad is getting his "fishing fix." (don't worry we are checking him into a special "fishing treatment center" soon) and Mom is spending some much needed "on shore" time shopping and "playing tourist."

This may lead to two outcomes:

1. Dad comes home with pounds of fish,  excitedly looks at Mom and says "Look what I did!?!? Can we keep it?!" (spoken with the same enthusiasm as a small child holding a lost puppy).  Mom stares at him blankly, blinking in disbelief, and wondering how quickly she can say no without hurting his feelings.

2. Mom comes home with new furniture, pillows, light fixtures, and/or nautical themed "housewares," excitedly looks at Dad ans says "Look what I did!?!! Can we keep it!?" (spoken with the same enthusiasm as a small child holding a lost puppy). Dad stares at her blankly, blinking in disbelief and wondering how quickly he can say no and then realizes...."This is a battle I will NEVER win" and says "AMAZING! LOVE IT!!!" (then quickly makes room on the boat).

Again they will resume the blogging tomorrow but are having fun on a little day off.

Tune back in tomorrow for more adventures and THANK YOU again for checking in with them each day!


1 comment:

  1. Ahahahahahaha well done Taylor. You pegged them perfectly. I can't wait to read what happens!
    Love love
