Saturday, July 13, 2013

No (real) fishing, but still a good day . . .

Tonight, I'll start be saying that we are currently in Ocean City at the Fisherman's Marina (how fitting).

But, to be fair, nothing can compare to the marina we stayed at last night: Canyon Club Resort Marina.
The accommodations didn't quite make the evening news as we were experiencing a monsoon of epic proportions.
Just for the record, it started raining while we were an hour outside of Cape May.
In the next 3 hours, it rained over 6".
At times so intense that there were dry shadows under the bows of the boats at the dock.

As for the boats, I have NEVER seen a collection of such fancy plastic.
You may not know that this, but Viking sport fishing yachts are built in NJ.
You most certainly didn't know (nor did we) that this weekend is the annual "Viking vs. Ocean Yachts Fishing Tournament". The bragging rights alone are worth the price of admission.
So, there was no expense spared on these showcase examples from each company.
Once again, I'm gonna let a picture tell the tale:

And this is only one row of about 8 that looked exactly the same.
For a fisherman, it was sort of like finding a trash bag full of crack cocaine. Unbelievable.

(Although, there was one embarrassing story intermixed with all this testosterone. The "new Viking 70 model" wound up stuck on the mud flats - while trying to get in during the same storm that Spence and I successfully came in on. I guess size ISN'T everything . . .)

And, not all of them left in the morning, as we were greeted with pea soup fog again.
Fortunately, it burned off by about 9:00 - which gave Spence and I just the time we needed to dry out everything that got wet - which was everything that we owned.

While we did have to battle a fog bank getting offshore, it dissipated about 5 miles from the beach, and stayed sunny all day.
However, there was a lingering threat of thunderstorms crawling up the coast - and as a result my plans to make a canyon run to go fishing got chopped quicker than a piece of fish at a sushi bar.
I did wind up trolling thru a few dolphins busting up some bait balls, but no dice.

We opted instead to head for the barn, call it a day.
Here is what we saw upon entering Ocean City:

BTW - all of the photos are courtesy, of the greatest mate on the 7 Seas - the one and only Spence.
More to come on that later . . .

It was the right call, given our long run down the whole coast of MD tomorrow. Which is our last real "outside challenge" as once we leave Ocean City, there are no safe harbors for 100+ miles.
(Kinda like the back side of the Cape. Some really lonesome water . . .)

But, it is supposed to be very calm seas - and NO RAIN (thank you, Jesus).
So, it should be just another day on the water . . .

Plus, our friend Jack came up with a great plan and awaits us at Long Bay Pointe - just inside, and across the Chesapeake Bay entrance.

It will be really great to hook up with Jack - who has been a tremendous source of information and inspiration, without whom we would likely have never embarked on this adventure.
(Thanks a lot - you bastard. Wait till I get my hands on you tomorrow. (jk). no really . . .)

p.s. - We have officially made it to Page 2 of our itinerary. A very significant and symbolic milestone.

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