Thursday, July 11, 2013

"Oh, What a Night"

(FYI - Frankie Valley and the Four Seasons - circa 1975.)

What a night indeed.
With the prospect of a day off, and the company of our daughter, Taylor, it got a bit drunk out last night.
Just to be clear, it was not our fault - we got over served. (I hate when that happens).
But, a good time was had by all . . .

And a memorable surprise, the picture we sent you yesterday, was of the new Freedom Tower. Now the tallest building in NY (again).

This is what it looks like at night:
It's hard to tell, but it is lighted Red, White, and Blue (bottom to top).
Very cool.

Me and my women. A thorn between 2 roses . . .


  1. Looks like your having a great time. The pics of NY when you arrived are spectacular. Enjoy the day off and Kathy and I can't wait for the next update. Wishing you flat seas and calm winds.

    1. Thanks Eric.
      Thanks for following along.
      Hopefully, tomorrow goes well.
      It is a big day in the journey.
      Fingers crossed . . .

  2. OMG, look at little Taylor... How time flies! Cool picture - so the marina is in Hoboken or Jersey City?

  3. Yay! It was so much fun!!! - Taylor

  4. Boomer - Right you are, my bright little star. We are in Jersey City. We had to walk to a drugstore this morning. I decided not to wear my Red Sox gear, and Spence decided to bring her Mace. A little unnerving for us small town folk . . .

  5. What great photos...such a wonderful journey. You truly are VERY brave souls to undertake such a hat and shoes are off to you! Hey did Marge make the trip????

    Trish(Enjoy II)
