Sunday, July 7, 2013

Boat 2-Do list

So, it was 93 degrees today. Hotter then the hinges of Hell.
I had a mountain of last minute task to complete for the trip.
Other than leaving the dock to fill up on fuel, the rest of the day was spent pretty much on a fool's errand - increasing the number of rods that I can carry at one time.
They say that necessity is the mother invention.
They neglect to mention that addiction is the step child to insane ideas.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then I'll save you the time and just show you what I'm talking about.
I basically spent the day sweating like a field hand - all for the singular purpose of doubling the number of rods on board. Those of you who know Hot Water, know that this is like giving more shoes to Amelda Marcos. See below:

That makes a paltry 16 rods . . .
Tomorrow the objective is to provision the boat. A daunting task if you try to plan for a 2 week trip. But we've decided to divide it into 3 to 4 day segments - hoping that within that period, we will be able to replenish the essential food groups: P'Butter, Tube Steaks (a.k.a. hot dogs), and hot sauce.
Shove off target date is still Tuesday morning @ 6:00.
As such, Becky and I both feel the need to give a heartfelt shout out to all of the wonderful people of Cove Marina - our beloved harbor and maritime home since 1998. We love you all, and will miss you more than you will know. May you have fair winds and following seas wherever life may take you.
May you also have tight lines, and return with full coolers.
Remember us & Hot Water enough to come visit:
Latitude: 32.26 - Longitude: 80.40 (or for those driving, less than 20 miles from 95)
We'll leave the lights on for ya . . .

1 comment:

  1. How about a physical address??!!! Best to you both, we'll miss you!

    Doug & Trish (Enjoy II)
